12. Basic Plotting with Matplotlib#

12.1. Lesson overview#

The ability to visualize data graphically is an important skill for an engineer. These graphical representations are often referred to as “figures” or “plots”, and they are vital when analyzing data or communicating information to an audience. Even though the Python terminal is a text-based interface, there are numerous graphing libraries available. One of the most popular graphing libraries is Matplotlib. In this lesson, we will cover the basics of plotting using Matplotlib by showing how to plot a single dataset, creating a plot with multiple datasets, creating a multiple panel plot, and finally creating a plot that has error bars. We will then conclude the lesson by showing how to export created figures for further use.

12.2. Importing the Matplotlib library#

The Matplotlib library is not part of the standard Python library. However, most scientific Python package distributions (like Anaconda) come with Matplotlib already installed. Therefore, if you are using Anaconda to manage your Python environment, you do not need to manually install Matplotlib. If you are not running Anaconda and need to install Matplotlib, you can find installation instructions here.

The Matplotlib library is large and can feel overwhelming at first. Fortunately, most basic plotting functionality can be found in the matplotlib.pyplot module. A common route to import Matplotlib into Python is shown below:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

As seen above, three commands are needed. The first command is to import NumPy. As discussed in a previous lesson, NumPy is a powerful scientific computing library for Python. In addition to providing additional features such as mathematical operations and array structures, Matplotlib natively reads NumPy datasets. While technically not needed for plotting purposes, using NumPy library is highly encouraged when plotting with Matplotlib. Next, the second command is the actual code that imports the module pyplot from Matplotlib. An alias name plt is used for ease of typing. Finally, the last command tells JupyterLab to display plots in the IPtyhon notebook using an “inline” format. This last command is only needed if you plan on using JupyterLab for your coding environment.

12.3. Plotting a single dataset#

Creating a simple plot that visualizes one dataset is easy using the pyplot module. Matplotlib provides two routes to call pyplot-based functions. The first route, which is often referred to as the “implicit route”, follows a code structure similar to how MathWorks’s MATLAB programming platform creates figures. The second route is often called the “explicit route”, and offers more flexibility when customizing figures, but does require basic knowledge in object-oriented programming (specifically calling attributes and methods of objects). Since an earlier lesson in this toolkit goes over this basic knowledge, this lesson will focus on using the explicit route when calling pyplot.

Hey! Listen!

The Matplotlib library is extensive with numerous submodules, functions, attributes, and methods. This lesson will provide only a cursory overview of a fraction of these features. When looking for a certain aspect or feature, it is highly recommended to search the Matplotlib reference guide, run the help() function on a particular feature, and perform internet searches. This lesson will also provide links to every function and method used for further exploration.

Matplotlib handles most simple plotting through the use of two built-in data classes: Figure and Axes. The Figure class can be thought of as the entire figure itself. This acts as the “canvas” for all the features that will be shown in the figure (e.g., axis, borders, data points, labels, etc.). The Axes class represents the content of a figure panel. While this may seem confusing at first in the context of a single panel figure, the use of Axes objects becomes very powerful when creating multiple panel figures (i.e., multiple subpanel figures on a canvas). Therefore, one can have multiple Axes objects to a single Figure object.

Let us create a simple figure that has one panel:

fig1 = plt.figure()                               # Creates Figure object
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                    # Creates Axes object

plt.show()                                        # Shows plot

There are three commands issued in the above code block. The first command uses the function pyplot.figure() (Note: the command uses the plt alias that we previously defined) to create a Figure object called fig1. No arguments are passed into the function so default values are used, which are good for this example. However, there are many optional arguments that can be passed, so if you are interested you should either run the help() function on pyplot.figure() or visit Matplotlib’s documentation on pyplot.figure(). This command creates the white background “canvas” that you see in the displayed figure.

A blank figure is not that interesting. Let us now create some data to plot. For this example, we will plot the function,

\[ y_1 = 10\cos[2x_1] \]

First, let us create both the \(x_1\) and \(y_1\) datasets using NumPy:

x1 = np.arange(1, 11, 0.1)
y1 = 10 * np.cos(2*x1)

The updated code block below now includes the necessary command to plot \(x_1\) and \(y_1\):

fig1 = plt.figure()                               # Creates Figure object
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                    # Creates Axes object

ax.plot(x1, y1)                                   # Plots data to Axes

plt.show()                                        # Shows plot

Note the new command ax.plot(x1, y1) in the code block, which calls the ax method .plot() (recall that ax is part of the Axes class). In this example, .plot() only requires two input arguments, x1 and y1, in order to create a plot. Therefore, Matplotlib only requires four commands to produce a simple figure!

12.4. Prettying things up#

While the figure above is serviceable, it is lacking many important aspects like axes labels, well formatted tick marks, and a title (since we do not have a figure caption). As mentioned earlier, the Axes object of the figure represents the content of the figure. So we can modify various aspects of the figure by calling the appropriate method. For example, let us update our current code block to set figure and axes titles using the following methods:

fig1 = plt.figure()                               # Creates Figure object
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                    # Creates Axes object

ax.plot(x1, y1)                                   # Plots data to Axes
ax.set_title("Single plot of y1 vs. x1")          # Sets Axes title
ax.set_xlabel("x1")                               # Sets x-axis label
ax.set_ylabel("y1")                               # Sets y-axis label

plt.show()                                        # Shows plot

Here we provide a figure title using the method .set_title() and create x-axis and y-axis labels with the methods .set_xlabel() and .set_ylabel(), respectively.

We can modify an axis’s tick marks using the method .tick_params(). The modified code below sets the tick marks to point inside on all four sides of the figure (also known as “spines”):

fig1 = plt.figure()                               # Creates Figure object
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                    # Creates Axes object

ax.plot(x1, y1)                                   # Plots data to Axes
ax.set_title("Single plot of y1 vs. x1")          # Sets Axes title
ax.set_xlabel("x1")                               # Sets x-axis label
ax.set_ylabel("y1")                               # Sets y-axis label
               axis="both",                     # Both x- & y-axis ticks to be adjusted
               direction="in",                  # Tick mark direction set to inside
               top="on",                        # Display tick marks for top axis / spine
               right="on"                       # Display tick marks for right axis / spine

plt.show()                                        # Shows plot

Finally, we can adjust the display range for both the x and y axes by using the methods .set_xlim() and .set_ylim(), respectively. The updated code block below sets the x axis range from 0 \(\rightarrow\) 12 and the y axis range from -12 \(\rightarrow\) 12:

fig1 = plt.figure()                               # Creates Figure object
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                    # Creates Axes object

ax.plot(x1, y1)                                   # Plots data to Axes
ax.set_title("Single plot of y1 vs. x1")          # Sets Axes title
ax.set_xlabel("x1")                               # Sets x-axis label
ax.set_ylabel("y1")                               # Sets y-axis label
               axis="both",                     # Both x- & y-axis ticks to be adjusted
               direction="in",                  # Tick mark direction set to inside
               top="on",                        # Display tick marks for top axis / spine
               right="on"                       # Display tick marks for right axis / spine
ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=12)                 # Sets x-axis range
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-12, top=12)               # Sets x-axis range

plt.show()                                        # Shows plot

As seen in the above example, it is relatively straightforward to produce aesthetically pleasing plots. The hardest part sometimes is actually searching the Matplotlib documentation to find the exact feature needed. The following examples will further expand our plotting options to include plotting multiple data sets, adding point markers, changing line styles, including color, and adding error bars.

12.4.1. Example: Pretty little transmission spectrum#

Plot the following data file using Matplotlib. This file contains optical transmission data from a blue foil. The first column in the data file is the wavelength of light measured and the second column is the detected light intensity. Make a line plot of intensity vs. wavelength (i.e., y vs. x!). Additional plotting tips / requirements are below:

  • Use the numpy.loadtxt() function to load the data into the Python environment. We introduced this useful function in an earlier lesson. The first row of the file contains header data, so you should use the skiprow argument to ignore the first row when importing. Also, the data rows are “tab-delimited”, so you should set the delimiter argument to "\t" (i.e., the tab escape character) so Python can properly read the file.

  • Create a title to the figure called “Transmission Spectrum Blue Foil”.

  • Properly label both x and y axes with labels and units.

  • Plot the data as a blue colored solid line.

  • Have the wavelength axis display from 200 to 1150 nm.

  • Have the intensity axis display up from 0 counts.


The hardest part in this exercise is actually loading the data file into Python! Loading external files into Python is a common task, so it is good to get some practice. Entering the correct path name is usually where most people get errors, so be mindful on where you are saving the downloaded data file. Also, the arguments delimiter="\t" and skiprows=1 are needed in order to read the file.

From there we adapt the code introduced in the lesson above to our needs. The overall code block is below:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Load data
spectrum_data = np.loadtxt("./example_data/blue_foil_transmission_spectrum.txt",

wavelength = spectrum_data[:, 0]
intensity = spectrum_data[:, 1]

# Plot data
figA = plt.figure()                               # Creates Figure object
ax = figA.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                    # Creates Axes object

ax.plot(wavelength, intensity,                    # Plots data to Axes
ax.set_title("Transmission Spectrum Blue Foil")   # Sets Axes title
ax.set_xlabel("wavelength [nm]")                  # Sets x-axis label
ax.set_ylabel("intensity [counts]")               # Sets y-axis label
               axis="both",                       # Both x- & y-axis ticks to be adjusted
               direction="in",                    # Tick marrk direction set to inside
               top="on",                          # Display tick marks for top axis / spine
               right="on"                         # Display tick marks for right axis / spine
ax.set_xlim(left=200, right=1150)                 # Sets x-axis range
ax.set_ylim(bottom=0)                             # Sets y-axis range

plt.show()                                        # Shows plot

12.5. Plotting multiple datasets to a single figure#

Matplotlib allows for plotting multiple datasets to a single figure panel. To demonstrate this, let us plot the following equations to a single panel figure,

\[\begin{split} \begin{gather} y_1 = 10\cos[2x] \\ \\ y_2 = 0.001\exp[x] - 2.1 \\ \\ y_3 = 2x^2 - 10x - 3 \end{gather} \end{split}\]

Our first step is to create the various data points using commands from the NumPy library:

x = np.arange(1, 11, 0.2)

y1 = 10 * np.cos(2*x)
y2 = 0.001 *np.exp(x) - 2.1
y3 = 2 * np.power(x,2) - (10 * x) - 3

Next, we follow our previous example by creating a Figure object that represents the overall figure (let us call it fig2) and an Axes object that represents the actual content of the figure (let us call it ax). After that, we then implement .plot() three times in order to plot each data set. The code block below demonstrates how to implement this and also shows how to customize each dataset:

fig2 = plt.figure()
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

ax2.plot(x, y1, label="cosine", linestyle="solid", color="blue")
        x, y2, 
        label="exponent",             # Dataset label
        marker="o",                   # Data point marker format
        linestyle="none",             # Type of connecting line
        color="red"                   # Overall color of dataset
        x, y3, 
        markersize=12,                # Marker size


While there are a few new arguments in each call of .plot(), the overall setup is similar to before. In each call of .plot() the first two arguments are the x value and the y value of the dataset followed by additional arguments. Comments have been placed in the code block to help you understand the new arguments, and a quick rundown of each new argument is listed below:

  • label - Label to be displayed in a figure legend. Entered value is a str.

  • marker - Type of marker to be used (e.g., circle, square, triangle) when displaying a data point. Matplotlib’s Marker reference page has a list of commonly used markers. Entered value is a str that represents a marker type (e.g., o represents a filled circle). Default value is None, meaning no data point will be shown.

  • fillstyle - Sets how the marker’s interior will be filled with color. Entered value is a str. Matplotlib’s Marker reference page has a list of fill styles.

  • set_markersize - Sets the size of the marker in points. Entered value is a float.

  • linestyle - Style of the connecting line between data points. Entered value is a str, and the default value is a solid line (code: solid). Matplotlib’s Linestyles page is a good source for different linestyles.

  • color - sets the color state for both the marker and connecting line. There are few different ways of designating a color (e.g., RGB value, shorthand single character notation, color name), and all values are entered as a str. Matplotlib’s Specifying Colors page is a good guide to the various ways that color can be declared. Furthermore, Matplotlib’s List of named colors page is a good reference for commonly used color names.


Notice that .plot() for y1 is written out differently from y2 and y3. For y1 all the input arguments are entered in a single line, while the other two variables have their input arguments entered on separate lines (except for the x and y values). Both display routes are acceptable routes and simply chosen for readability. For short input lists, writing everything in a single line is best, but if there are numerous arguments, it is better to enter everything on a separate line (with the proper indentation of course!).

Using this information, we can see that the dataset for y1 is a solid blue line, y2 has red filled markers with no connecting line, and y3 has forest green star shaped markers (unfilled and enlarged to size 12) with a dashed connecting line. While the resulting figure is serviceable, it lacks the usual flourishes to make a figure more readable and impactful. The updated code block below uses the axes labels, tick marks, axes display limits, and title methods from the last lesson, but also adds a legend without a border using the method .legend():

fig2 = plt.figure()
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

ax2.plot(x, y1, label="cosine", linestyle="solid", color="blue")
        x, y2, 
        label="exponent",                  # Dataset label
        marker="o",                        # Data point marker format
        linestyle="none",                  # Type of connecting line
        color="red"                        # Overall color of dataset
        x, y3, 
        markersize=12,                     # Marker size

ax2.set_title("Multiple dataset plot")     # Sets Axes title
ax2.set_xlim(left=0, right=12)
ax2.set_ylim(bottom=-30, top=150)
ax2.legend(frameon=False)                   # Create legend w/o border


Now the figure is readable and impactful! As seen in this example, plotting multiple datasets to a single figure panel in Matplotlib is straightforward as it only requires multiple callings of .plot().

12.5.1. Example: Even more spectra#

Replot the blue foil optical transmission spectrum from the previous example but also include the transmission spectrum for a green foil as well in the figure. The data file for this sample can be found here. Rename the figure title to be “Transmission Spectra of Colored Foils” and add a legend. Color code the data sets so that the blue foil data is blue and the green foil data is green.


As the lesson above discusses, plotting multiple data sets in a common figure is straightforward with Matplotlib. We just need to ensure that all data sets are plotted to the same Axes object (this also implies a common Figure object). From here, we issue separate .plot() calls for each data set and then a .legend() command to display the legend. The code below demonstrates this:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Blue foil data load
blue_foil = np.loadtxt("./example_data/blue_foil_transmission_spectrum.txt",

blue_wavelength = blue_foil[:, 0]
blue_intensity = blue_foil[:, 1]

# Green foil data load
green_foil = np.loadtxt("./example_data/green_foil_transmission_spectrum.txt",

green_wavelength = green_foil[:, 0]
green_intensity = green_foil[:, 1]

# Plotting of data
figB = plt.figure()                                       # Creates Figure object
axB = figB.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                           # Creates Axes object

axB.plot(blue_wavelength, blue_intensity,                 # Plots blue foil to Axes
        label="blue foil")  

axB.plot(green_wavelength, green_intensity,               # Plots blue foil to Axes
        label="green foil")  

axB.set_title("Transmission Spectra of Colored Foils")   # Sets Axes title
axB.set_xlabel("wavelength [nm]")                        # Sets x-axis label
axB.set_ylabel("intensity [counts]")                     # Sets y-axis label
               axis="both",                     # Both x- & y-axis ticks to be adjusted
               direction="in",                  # Tick marrk direction set to inside
               top="on",                        # Display tick marks for top axis / spine
               right="on"                       # Display tick marks for right axis / spine
axB.set_xlim(left=200, right=1150)              # Sets x-axis range
axB.set_ylim(bottom=0)                          # Sets y-axis range
axB.legend(frameon=False)                       # Create legend w/o border

plt.show()                                      # Shows plot

12.6. Multiple panel plotting#

In addition to single panel plotting, Matplotlib also allows for multiple panel plotting. This is relatively straightforward if you understand how to do single panel plotting. All that one needs to do is create separate Axes objects for each subpanel figure that will reside in a common Figure object.

To see this in action, let us revisit our previous scenario where we plotted three mathematical functions in one figure panel. Let us now plot all of these functions on separate subpanels. This is implemented with the following code:

fig3 = plt.figure()

axA = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)                                 # Creates axA in top left corner

axB = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)                                 # Creates axB in top right corner

axC = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)                                 # Creates axC in top right corner


Here you can see three separate Axes objects (axA, axB, and axC) are created and organized in 2 x 2 grid. The new feature in this code block is within the .add_subplot() call as the first and second arguments (nrows and ncols, respectively; discussed earlier) are 2, meaning a 2 x 2 grid of subpanel figures will be created. The third argument value (known as the index value, again see earlier discussion), tells the Python shell the location of each Axes object. Here, axA has index = 1, meaning it is located the top left subpanel figure, ax2 has index = 2, placing it in the top right corner, and ax3 has index = 3, placing it in the bottom left corner.

To plot the data into each subpanel, we again run the method .plot() but now calling it for each of the three Axes object. The code block below puts y1 into the upper left corner, y2 in the upper right corner, and y3 in the lower left corner:

fig3 = plt.figure()

axA = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)                                 # Creates axA in top left corner
axA.plot(x, y1, label="cosine", color="blue")                   # Plot axA

axB = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)                                 # Creates axB in top right corner
axB.plot(x, y2, label="exponent", color="red")                  # Plot axB

axC = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)                                 # Creates axC in top right corner
axC.plot(x, y3, label="polynomial", color="forestgreen")        # Plot axis


Now we add our basic axes and title labeling commands for readability purposes. When creating axes and panel labels, make sure to call the appropriate method using the correct Axes object in question. Furthermore, we can also add an overall figure title by calling the Figure class method .suptitle(). An example of how these method calls can be implemented is shown in the code block below:

fig3 = plt.figure()
fig3.suptitle("Main figure title")                              # Title for overall figure

axA = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)                                 # Creates axA in top left corner
axA.plot(x, y1, label="cosine", color="blue")                   # Plots axA
axA.set_title("Cosine plot")        

axB = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)                                 # Creates axB in top right corner
axB.plot(x, y2, label="exponent", color="red")                  # Plots axB
axB.set_title("Exponential plot")        

axC = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)                                 # Creates axC in top right corner
axC.plot(x, y3, label="polynomial", color="forestgreen")        # Plots axis
axC.set_title("Polynomial plot")        


As seen above, the overall size of fig3 is causing overlap of the various subpanels. One way to fix this is to increase the overall figure size. This is done by using the argument figsize when initializing fig3. The default size for figsize is set to (6.4, 4.8) which represents a 6.4 in wide by 4.8 in high figure. Try running the code block below changes the figure size to 12 in wide by 10 in high:

fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))                             # Figure size is 12 in x 10 in
fig3.suptitle("Main figure title")                              # Title for overall figure

axA = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)                                 # Creates axA in top left corner
axA.plot(x, y1, label="cosine", color="blue")                   # Plot to axA
axA.set_title("Cosine plot")        

axB = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)                                 # Creates axB in top right corner
axB.plot(x, y2, label="exponent", color="red")                  # Plot to axB
axB.set_title("Exponential plot")        

axC = fig3.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)                                 # Creates axC in top right corner
axC.plot(x, y3, label="polynomial", color="forestgreen")        # Plot to axis
axC.set_title("Polynomial plot")        


This change increases the overall figure size and aspect ratio to prevent the subpanel figures from overlapping. In general, the figsize argument is useful when you need to modify either the overall size of a figure or change its aspect ratio.

12.7. Plotting with error bars#

Making a plot with error bars on both the x and y values of a data point is straightforward with Matplotlib. To see how this works, we will create a single panel figure that plots the mathematical function,

\[ y_4 = 10\frac{\cos[2x_4]}{x_4} \]

In this example, we will assume that the size of the error bars on \(x_4\) is \(\pm |0.05x_4|\) and size of the error bars on \(y_4\) is \(\pm |0.50y_4|\). To create this plot, we replace the method .plot() with .errorbar(). This method is similar to .plot() in its implementation, but also includes additional input arguments to describe the error bars. The code block below implements .errorbar() when plotting the above function:

x4 = np.arange(0.1, 20, 0.4)
x4_error = abs(0.05 * x4) 
y4 = (10 * np.cos(2 * x4)) / (x4)
y4_error = abs(0.50 * y4)

fig4 = plt.figure()                 
ax4 = fig4.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

ax4.errorbar(x4, y4,                 # Plot with error bars
             xerr=x4_error,          # x-axis error bars
             yerr=y4_error,          # y-axis error bars
             capsize=5               # error bar cap size

ax4.set_title("Plot with Error Bars")
ax4.tick_params(axis="both", direction="in")
ax4.set_xlim(left=0, right=20)
ax4.set_ylim(bottom=-12, top=12)


The overall code layout should look similar to the previous examples, and comments are used to highlight new commands. Overall, making effective plots with error bars is straightforward with Matplotlib.

12.7.1. Example: Plotting with uncertainty#

The following data file contains an x and y data set and values for their error bars (columns u_x and u_y, respectively). Plot this data with Matplotlib as a scatter plot with grey diamond shapes. No title is needed, but do label the x and y axes.


This lesson combines the act of loading in an external data file to Python and using the .errorbar() method from Matplotlib. See the code block below for one possible solution:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Load data
data = np.loadtxt("./example_data/dataset_with_uncertainty.csv",

# Separate columns into individual variables
x = data[:, 0]
u_x = data[:, 1]
y = data[:, 2]
u_y = data[:, 3]

# Create figure
fig1 = plt.figure()
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

# Plot measured data
ax.errorbar(x, y,

# Figure options
ax.tick_params(axis="both", direction="in")

# Show plot

12.8. Saving plots#

There are a few ways to export a plot for later use (e.g., homework, report, presentation). If you are using JupyterLab, one simple way is to right-click on a plot and select Copy Output to Clipboard. From here you can paste the figure in another program. While this method is fast, you do not have a lot of customization options when exporting the figure. Fortunately, Matplotlib’s Figure class has a figure saving method called savefig() that provides numerous exporting options. This includes setting a desired DPI value, choosing a file extension, setting figure transparency, and more. In the simplest case, the only argument needed is the filename. For example, the code block below saves fig4 (i.e., the error bar plot from earlier) as a png file with the name test.png:


If this command is issued in JupyterLab, it will save the file in your current working directory.

12.9. Concluding thoughts#

This lesson covered the basics in using the Matplotlib library to make impactful figures. The lesson first explained how to import the pyplot submodule, which contains the necessary features for plotting, into Python. The lesson then explained how to plot a single dataset. From there, the lesson explained how to improve the overall look of a figure by adding titles, axes labels, tick marks, and other features. After this, the lesson covered how to make multiple dataset figures, multiple panel figures, and figures with error bars. Finally, the lesson covered how to export figures for later use.

As seen throughout this lesson, making figures with Matplotlib is relatively easy after understanding that a figure contains two main objects: Figure and Axes. This lesson showed just a small subset of the numerous features and customization options available when making figures. If you wish to learn more about Matplotlib, the official website has numerous resources available including a tutorial page and a code reference guide. Furthermore, internet searches on features or ways to make plots using Matplotlib often lead to good resources.

12.10. Want to learn more?#

Matplotlib - Home Page
Matplotlib - Code Reference Guide
Matplotlib -Tutorials & In-depth Guides
Matplotlib - Example Plots
Matplotlib - List of Named Colors Guide
Matplotlib - Specifying Colors
Matplotlib - Marker Reference Guide
Matplotlib - Linestyles Guide