Including Uncertainty in Curve Fitting
2. Including Uncertainty in Curve Fitting#
2.1. Lesson overview#
In a previous lesson, we demonstrated the basics of curve fitting using the SciPy library. We first showed how to fit a line to set of data and then expanded into non-linear curve fitting. We will now continue our discussion into curve fitting by showing how to incorporate uncertainty values associated with the \(y\)-value of a data point into the least squares regression analysis.
2.2. Topics taught#
Performing least squares analysis using the
function.Including measurement uncertainty as weights in
2.3. Including uncertainty when fitting data#
To demonstrate how to do this, let’s revisit our
non-linear curve fitting example from a previous lesson. We will reuse the majority of the code
from this section and update only the necessary lines of code. First, let’s download the raw data file
. This file is slightly different
from the file we used in the previous example, as it also contains estimates on the uncertainty for both the
\(x\)-value (in this case the magnetic field, \(B\)) and the \(y\)-value (the resistance, \(R\)). Even though the data file
contains the uncertainty on the \(x\)-values, we will not actually use it in the fitting process, as
only accounts for the uncertainty on the \(y\)-values.
Let’s re-run our previous code block with some slight adjustments. See the code below, specifically the
lines that have the comment NEW FEATURE HERE!
nearby. We further discuss the changes below.
# Load libraries
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# Create function to fit
def parabolaFunc(x, constant, linear, quadratic):
y = constant + linear * x + quadratic * (x**2)
return y
# Load data and separate columns (NEW FEATURE HERE!)
data = np.loadtxt("./example_data/MR_data_with_uncertainty.csv",
delimiter = ",",
skiprows = 2)
magnetic_field = data[:,0]
u_magnetic_field = data[:,1]
resistance = data[:,2]
u_resistance = data[:,3]
# Perform the least-squares fitting (NEW FEATURE HERE!)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(parabolaFunc, magnetic_field, resistance, sigma=u_resistance, absolute_sigma=True)
# Extract out the fitted parameters and standard errors
constant = popt[0]
linear = popt[1]
quadratic = popt[2]
constant_err = np.sqrt(pcov[0][0])
linear_err = np.sqrt(pcov[1][1])
quadratic_err = np.sqrt(pcov[2][2])
# Create figure
fig1 = plt.figure()
ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# Plot measured data (NEW FEATURE HERE!)
ax.errorbar(magnetic_field, resistance,
label="measured data",
# Create fitted curve
yfit = constant + (linear * magnetic_field) + (quadratic * (magnetic_field**2))
# Plot fit data
ax.plot(magnetic_field, yfit,
# Figure options
ax.set_xlabel("B [T]")
ax.set_ylabel("R [ohm]")
ax.tick_params(axis="both", direction="in")
#ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=2.5)
#ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.3525, top=0.3535)
# Show plot
# Report values to shell
print(f"constant = {constant:.7f} ohm")
print(f"constant std. error = {constant_err:.7f} ohm")
print(f"linear = {linear:.2E} ohm")
print(f"linear std. error = {linear_err:.2E} ohm")
print(f"quadratic = {quadratic:.4E} ohm")
print(f"quadratic std. error = {quadratic_err:.2E} ohm")

constant = 0.3698562 ohm
constant std. error = 0.0000049 ohm
linear = -2.13E-08 ohm
linear std. error = 1.70E-06 ohm
quadratic = 2.4579E-05 ohm
quadratic std. error = 1.04E-06 ohm
As you can see in the code, this looks very similar to the code used in the non-linear curve fitting example, but with some minor tweaks:
After creating the variable
, we now create separate 1D arrays for the uncertainty on \(B\) and \(R\) calledu_magnetic_field
, respectively.The function
now contains two additional keyword arguments. The first additional argument issigma
, which represents how much we want to “weigh” the importance of a particular data point to the fit. One common weighting method is called “direct weighting” in which we use the uncertainty of the \(y\)-value as the weighting parameter. In the above example, we do this by settingsigma=u_resistance
(i.e., the uncertainty in \(R\)). In this setup, values that have higher uncertainty are weighted more (i.e., prioritized more) in the fit.The second keyword argument,
to utilize the actual values provided insigma
in an absolute sense and not in a relative sense. For new users, it is best to setabsolute_sigma
for most situations. Further details on this argument can be found in the online documentation for this function.When plotting the raw data, we can use the Matplotlib function
to include our uncertainty values as “error bars” to the graph.errorbar()
works very similar toplot()
and accepts many of the same keyword arguments. The main difference witherrorbar()
is the addition of the keyword argumentsxerr
, which represent the error bar values for the \(x\)- and \(y\)-values, respectively. These are optional arguments, so you do not need to include both arguments when plotting (e.g., sometimes you may want to make a plot with just the \(y\)-value error bars).
And with these changes we now can include the uncertainty of the \(y\)-values to our fits! As you can see in the results, the fitted parameter values and their associated standard errors (i.e., their standard uncertainties) are slightly different compared to when we did not include the uncertainty in the fit.
2.4. Conclusion#
Adding the uncertainty of values to least squares analysis is straightforward with scipy.optimize.curve_fit()
. For
simple analysis routines, it only requires incorporating two optional keyword arguments to the function call. There are
many ways to expand fitting with uncertainty. One common route is to change the weighting
of the data in a fit. Our example used a direct weighting scheme, which places more emphasis on data points that
have higher uncertainty. The default value for sigma
is None
, which is equivalent to providing a 1D array of ones.
This sets the weight for all values equal to one another, and is the default state in
. This weighting
scheme was used with the two fitting examples found in the previous basic curve fitting lesson
since sigma
was not provided in the argument list. There are other ways one can weight the data by modifying what
goes into sigma
(e.g., instrumental weighting or statistical weighting). These methods often require one to
apply a mathematical formula to the uncertainty values in order to weight their importance.
2.5. Want to learn more?#
Wikipedia - Least Squares
Shane Burns - Data Fitting with Error
SciPy Library - The curve_fit() Function
NumPy - Documentation Page
Matplotlib - Home Page